Bulk SMS

Our Bulk SMS service, or Short Message Service, refers to the capability of sending and receiving short text messages between mobile devices. It's a widely used communication tool for delivering brief messages quickly and efficiently.


  • Real-time updates on product launches
  • Exclusive offers and discounts
  • Important service alerts and reminders
Smart-Lab is prominent SMS aggregator in the country with over 30 large enterprise clients including leading Banks and NBFIs and over 25M SMS traffic volume per month.
South Bangla Agriculture Bank PLC, ICB Islamic Bank, Bangladesh Open University, Supreme court of Bangladesh, United commercial Bank, Eastern Bank PLC, Bank Asia PLC, Brac Bank, Chal Dal Ltd, Bikroy.com are some of our clients and partners.

Core Strength : SMS service lies in our reliable and scalable infrastructure, ensuring seamless delivery of messages across various platforms and devices, with a focus on real-time communication, customer engagement, and user-friendly interfaces.